Grand Inquisitor´s Cloak you can buy it at citadel shop for 10000 gold
Blessed Heavy Plate Knight`s Helm you can buy it at citadel shop for 50000 gold
Blessed Light Plate Knight`s Helm you can buy it at citadel shop for 50000 gold
Crusader Armor,Captian`s Armor,Guard Armor you can buy it at citadel shop for 100000 gold, Captian for 25000 and Guard for 5000
Mana Mallet You can buy it at citadel shop for 100000 gold
Holy Hammer of Retribution You can buy it at citadel shop for 150000 gold
Fiendlish Impaler You can buy it at citadel shop for 25000 gold
Scepter of the Divine You can buy